Charlie and Rachel started A Patch Wilder (APW) as a non-profit unincorporated association. That means that all donations will be put towards the running of the project (habitat-management, education visits, wildlife tours, species surveys and research, insurance, safety visits and other running costs) as well as paying organisers, nature guides etc. for their time.
Donations and grants represent our biggest source of funding and the project is reliant on your generosity to continue!

What have we done with the funds so far?
- We have recorded 70 bird , 311 invertebrate, 27 mammals, 4 reptile and 270 plant species on the Patch
- We have dug 5 ponds;
- We have planted 1830 trees;
- Put up dozens of bat, bird and dormouse boxes;
- Begun restoration od species-rich wildflower meadows;
- We run around 10 nature tours and educational visits each year, often with free entry;
- We provide a space for the Wildlife Trust and AONB to run free health and well-being sessions.;
- And most importantly of all, we provide a safe haven for wildlife.